Where we started

Top Persian Rugs

Started 40 years ago solely by the owner Sayed Sharif Yousufi. Top Persian Rugs have become one of the major retailer and wholesalers in Hand-knotted Persian Carpets industry in South Africa. All carpets are imported by us directly from Iran, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. Thus, we bring handmade carpets at most affordable prices and in big quantities. Currently our branches are based in Garden route area at George and Mossel Bay. More stores are opening soon around the Western Cape Province.

With decades of experience behind us, we build on our excellent track record of service excellence to deliver the quality Persian carpets and rugs our customers have come to expect from us. You’re also welcome to visit our stores anytime, where you can discuss all your Persian carpet needs whether you’re buying or using any of our services (Clean, Repair, Valuations,etc.. ) with our expert and friendly team.


Perfected exquisiteness, excellent quality, softness, high value and great investment. These are some of the things that define Persian rugs. The Persian rug is a mark of quality and a testimony of rich tradition that can be traced back hundreds of years. The essence that the Persian rug brings is derived from the person who sits down to intertwine the strands and make one of the most popular product in the market: the Persian rug. These rugs are very popular on world for many reasons:
Persian rugs and carpets are made in Iran. However, oriental rugs are Persian rugs and other rugs made in other countries in the middle and far east including China, India, Turkey and Pakistan. These rugs are artistic and are a symbol of wealth and tradition and this is why so many people love them.
Persian rugs are also very popular because they are available in a wide variety of designs, colors, shapes and sizes. Since they are hand woven, these rugs can be similar with others in many ways but the makers often add a personal touch to every single rug. There is however some similarity in layouts and in some cases patterns and colors.
When it comes to quality, Persian rugs is superior in many ways. The main reason people choose to buy this kind of rug is primarily the high quality that makes it soft, durable and can transform a plain room magically into a classy unique room. When looking at the quality of a Persian rug, consider the materials it is made from silk, wool or cotton.


Unbeatable Prices, Zero Quality Compromise

Top Persian Rugs is one of South Africa’s largest national importer of Persian & Oriental and Modern rugs. Offering a range of superior floor coverings, our products are designed to inspire style and add comfort.

Customer Service Assurance

Whether you’re looking for a simple door mat, a modern and funky design to be the groundwork canvas for your room, or an outdoor rug to complete your entertainment area, our collections have something for everyone. We provide hustle free returns and exchange, along with free shipping countrywide.

Certificate of Authenticity

Each carpet is sold with certificate of authenticity and origin for complete customer satisfaction.

Meet Our Team

Our expert and friendly team with over a two decades of combined experience in the industry

Sayed Sharif Yousufi

Managing Director

Waseh Yousufi

Managing Director

Clive Collison

Sales Executive

Cheryl. T

Sales Executive

Martin. G

Sales Executive


Stock Controller

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